The Role of Smma in Building Digital Bank Customer Loyalty From the S-O-R Model Perspective
Digital Bank, Brand Equity, S-O-RAbstract
In this technological era, business actors or organizations compete and innovate with each other to provide the best service to their customers, one of which is offering digital banking products. Bank Jenius is a digital bank with the largest active users in Indonesia. This research aims to provide a more comprehensive understanding regarding social media marketing activities, especially Instagram, in building customer loyalty in the digital banking sector from the perspective of the Stimulus-Organism-Response (S-O-R) model. A quantitative approach with a survey method using purposive sampling and a questionnaire instrument was used in this research. The research object is digital bank customers who use Instagram social media. Research findings show that Social Media Marketing Activities (SMMA) has a positive effect on Customer Equity Drivers for both Value Equity, Brand Equity and Relationship Equity, which in turn each has a positive effect on customer loyalty. Limitations and suggestions for future research are also described.
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